Information for Erasmus incoming students.

How to apply

A valid bilateral agreement is always required between the Sending and Receiving Institution. The applicant must first be nominated by his home Institution. Afterward, the applicant must follow the application instructions. As soon as the exchange is approved by both Institutions, the mobility is officially confirmed.

1. Nomination

If you have been selected to receive an Eramus+ grant at your home institution, your Erasmus coordinator must send an email to the address with this information: first and last name of the student, email address of the student, course/s requested, duration of the mobility (Semestral/Annual).

Nomination deadline

Winter semester and full academic year: 1st June.

Spring semester: 30th October.

2. Application

Once the nomination by email is accepted, the student must fill out the following form:

Application for Erasmus students

We will request the following information: motivation letter, transcript of records updated, CV Europass, artistic porfolio, language certification.

Selection criteria: motivation letter 15%, transcript of records 25%, CV Europass 15%, artistic portfolio 30%, language certification 15%. An online interview may be arranged in order to know your expectations and motivation for mobility.

Applications without prior nomination will not be accepted.

Application deadline

Winter semester and full academic year: 15 June.

Spring semester: 15 November.

3. Acceptance

After checking the applications received, the Erasmus Team will send to the students and coordinators a Certificate of Acceptance.

4. Learning agreement

After getting the Certificate of Acceptance, the student must fill in the Learning Agreement.

EASD Val del Omar doesn’t requiere a minimum of credits for incoming Erasmus students. We suggest to choose no more than 2 courses, and subjects from the same year, because it will reduce the possibilities of changes in schedules and subjects.

The request for subjects does not guarantee the availability of places. Changes can be made according to the organization of schedules and subjects of the courses offered.

The student may request modifications in the subjects chosen in the learning agreement during the 15 days following his/her arrival. Once those 15 days have elapsed, the student may drop the subject, but it will not be replaced by another.

Changes must be communicated and approved by the Erasmus team, and made by the student through a modification in the learning agreement.

Year 2024/2025

1st semester: from 15/09/2023 to 31/01/2024

2nd semester: from 1/02/2024 to 30/06/2024

Language policy

All our classes are taught in Spanish. It is recommended to have at least a B1 certified level in order to attend the classes.
Erasmus+ coordinators will resolve all issues in English, and provide assistance to students.


Attendance to the courses is mandatory. Each student cannot exceed 20% of hours of absence on the total amount of hours. If this percentual is exceeded, each individual teacher will decide to evaluate the student or not.

Grading system

Our grading system is numerical, from zero to ten, as shown in the following tables. Each subject will be passed with a grade of 5 or higher. There are three grading processes: 

  1. Ordinary process in January (first term) and June (second term).
  2. Ordinary process in September, for all the students who failed a subject in January/June.
  3. Extraordinary process in February (next year).
GradeDefinitionECTS Grade equivalence
8,9-7,5Very goodB
7,4 – 6GoodC – D
5,9 -5SufficientE
4,9 – 0FailFX – F
ECTS GradeDefinition
AEXCELLENT – outstanding performance with only minor errors
BVERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors
CGOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors
DSATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings
ESUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria
FXFAIL – some more work required before the credit can be awarded
FFAIL – considerable further work is required


When you arrive, please, please make an appointment via email with the International Programs Department to complete the registration process.

Erasmus students are administratively registered as EASD Val del Omar students, when they submit to the International Programs Department a copy of:

  • Learning Agreement.
  • ID/ Passport.
  • European Health Insurance Card.
  • Liability insurance.

Traineeship mobility

If you are interested in a traineeship mobility, at first you must contact the international office of your home Institution. The applicant must first be nominated by his home Institution. Afterward, the applicant must contact our office, in order to receive specific instructions on how to download and fill in the application documents.