ISCED 6 First Cycle/Bachelor – EQF6

First term (fall semester): from September 20th to January 31st (two weeks of Christmas holidays).
Second term (spring semester): from February 1st to June 25th (a week of Easter holidays). 

In the fourth year there are no classes in the second term.

Please note:
Mobility should be carried out for full terms. There are annual subjects and term subjects. Annual subjects will be certified according to the mobility period.

ISCED 5 Short- Cycle Tertiary Education or equivalent level – EQF5



First term: from September 15th to Christmas holidays (two weeks of Christmas holidays).
Second term: from January 8th to Easter (a week of Easter holidays).
Third term: from Easter to June 25th (in the second year there are no classes in the third term).

Please note:
Mobility should be realized for full terms. Annual subjects will be certified according to the mobility period.

ISCED 4 Post-secondary non-tertiary education – EQF4

First term: from September 15th to Christmas holidays (two weeks of Christmas holidays).
Second term: from January 8th to Easter (a week of Easter holidays).
Third term: from Easter to June 25th (in the second year there are no classes in the third term).

Please note:
Mobility should be realized for full terms. Annual subjects will be certified according to the mobility period.